
Tai Chi Qigong Classes

Maui, Hawaii Retreats

Registration Form

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Tilopa Tai Chi Qigong Center
  “Teaching Tai Chi Classes in Minneapolis / St. Paul, Minnesota since 1977
and Maui, Hawaii since 1997"

Director: Marilyn Allysum     612-825-6824


Body Mind Spirit in Harmony

An Easy to Learn System of Foundational Qigong (Chi Kung) Postures
For a Total Approach to Health and Well-Being.
These Qigong Postures are deep replenishing techniques that are from our Chen Family Tradition.
Internal Systems Qigong strengthens the Vital Organs of the body without force.
You will learn specific postures for Balancing Qi flow to the internal self.
Increase stamina and mental concentration, improve circulation and regulate blood pressure, nurture bone and joint function,
calm and center Body/Mind with
Breath, Attention, and Meditative Movement.

Beginners Welcome

Accepting New Students - Live Online Classes
Ongoing Saturday Morning Classes
When: Saturday Mornings
Time: 9 - 10 AM Central Time
Pre-registration required

Winter Quarter 1
When: Monday Evenings
Time: 6:30 - 8:00 PM
Begins: January 21, 2019
Pre-registration required

Ongoing Wednesday Evening Classes
When: Wednesday Evenings
Begins: June 10, 2020
Time: 6:00 - 7:00 PM Central Time
Pre-registration required

Register: Online with Square (links below)
Tuition: $220. Quarterly = 12 weeks 1 Quarter QIGONG
$95. Month = 4 consecutive weeks 1 Month QIGONG
Pre-registration necessary
Please include your contact phone number to complete your registration.

Email or call us at (612) 825- 6824 for additional information or to answer any questions you might have.
Location: Live Online Classes



Email us for upcoming Dates.   Register

Course Description:
Learn the Healing Sound Qigong meditation technique that combines tonal vibration, movement, meridian flow and meditation. 
This ancient healing system promotes inner balance and harmony to the internal organs of the body.
Then, train in White Tiger and Green Dragon Qigong.
These ancient Qigong practices enjoin us to Remain in our Center, Cultivate a Quiet Mind, Gain Mental Clarity, Open Blockages, Improve Balance and Flexibility without force, and achieve Optimum Health.
Each person receives individual guidance and support.
Restore Inner Harmony and bring these Ancient Practices into Daily Living!

  Temple Qigong - Being Peace

Chinese Yoga Postures

Rise to Blossom the Golden Flower as Dragon Releases Pearls:
These Gentle & Complete Internal Systems Exercises were first developed thousands of years ago by monks in ancient China -
to benefit the Body, Mind, & Spirit. 
The 16 Pearl Postures of Temple Qigong entwine movement, thought, and breath as we cultivate Qi  "Vital Energy". 
Learn to recognize Qi energy ~ flowing through us, inexhaustible, creative, and deep with the pulse of life, like the currents of the vast ocean!

This is a very special series of Qigong Postures, comprised of 16 Pearl Postures that repeat and string together to give the practitioner a deep treasure of Qi Vitality.
This System of Qigong (Chi Kung) is not taught elsewhere in the Upper Midwest.
Marilyn Allysum will instruct.

Beginners Welcome

Location: Livestream Sessions with Marilyn Allysum
When: Saturday Morning
Date: Listed at: Temple Qigong
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Central Time
Tuition: $29 Per household

ONLINE Registration: Temple Qigong.

These Chinese Yoga postures,known as Temple Qigong, need no equipment, no mat. Rhythmic and flowing, they are easy to play with inspiring results.
Join me for a Wonderful Morning of Qigong on Saturday!
   Gaze at Clouds Moving Past,
   Old Turtle Rises From the Deep,
   Dragon Releases Pearls.....


with Marilyn Allysum

You will be introduced to Qigong Techniques for calming and centering the emotional, mental, and physical self. Qigong is a wonderful means used to strengthen and harmonize the internal organs of the body gently, without force. Learn specific Qigong Techniques that support the immune system, lymphatic system, and help respiration, and reduce nausea. Build stamina comfortably as you employ mind, breath, and energy points in the body.

Marilyn Allysum, director & founder of Tilopa Tai Chi Qigong Center, will instruct.
With 40 years experience in the field, her life's work has been devoted to the internal practices of the Chinese Healing Arts of Tai Chi and Qigong.

Since 1977, she has traveled extensively and been hosted by universities, health organizations, and corporations throughout the world, as well as maintaining directorship of her school: Tilopa Tai Chi Qigong Center.

“I have dedicated my work to improving understanding and health benefits from Qigong.” Qigong translates as Qi “vital breath” + Gong “energy work”. Qigong is an ancient science developed in China that has proven results in bringing harmony and balance to the body, mind and emotional self.

DVDs and MUSIC CDs will be available for purchase.

When: Have a private session with Marilyn Allysum
Email for scheduling
Tuition: $ 95. / 1 hr. session livestream
Registration: ONLINE Registration: PRIVATE LESSON


with Marilyn Allysum

Practicing Tai Chi Qigong postures for infertility promotes a calm refreshed mind and spirit while you restore the body to its optimal potential!

Course Description:
 · Preparing the Mind Body Connection through Tai Chi Qigong: There are a variety of restorative Tai Chi Qigong postures involving guided movement, mental focus and breathing techniques for infertility that encourage the body to be more responsive to conception. Postures for infertility are best described as fertility postures because they spark hormone production, promote full body restoration, and increase circulation to reproductive organs to encourage responsiveness. As a Meditation in Motion, we awaken our peaceful and centered self. In physical preparation, we tone and strengthen the muscles that support reproductive organs, improve spinal alignment, and learn ways to enable better flow of Qi vitality.
 ·  Reducing the Physical Effects of Stress:   Tai Chi Qigong is perfect for dealing with one of the most pervasive mind/body fertility challenges: stress Often, stress is caused by the inability to get or stay pregnant. Emotional pain, sadness, anxiety, and frustration can generate chemicals in the body to weaken immunity and have an effect on the body’s “welcome” for a new life. Our use of relaxation breathing techniques, combined with the flushing out of physical toxins, provides an antidote to the negative physical impacts of stress in all its varied forms.  
 ·  Continued Support from Tai Chi Qigong:   Tai Chi Qigong is a wonderful resource. It can also be practiced during pregnancy, creating a soothing internal environment as it enhances the strength and flexibility of your muscles and joints, which can help during childbirth.

When: Call or Email for dates
Time: Saturday Mornings 12 – 1 PM
Tuition: $135. Per person.
Pre-Registration Required. Early Registration Recommended. Download the Registration Form and Mail it with your Tuition to enroll.
To Register:

Please download our registration form.
Mail it along with your Tuition Payment to enroll.

Where: Live Online Classes

   See our Class Calendar


Special Techniques developed by Marilyn Allysum

Prenatal Support:
Learn Healthy ways calm to and center body and mind before and during labor.

Birthing Techniques:
Gentle and Empowering Qigong Postures combine with contractions to harness the energy, use it effectively, and not deplete afterward.

When: Call or Email for dates
Time: Saturday Afternoon 3 – 5 PM
Tuition: $120. Per person.


Discover the 3 Treasures of Vitality ~ Energy ~ Spirit!

When: See: Maui Retreat Page
Tuition: Email for rates. Pre-Registration necessary.
To Register:

Please download our registration form.
Mail it along with your Tuition Payment to enroll.

Where: Kihei, Maui, Hawaii
Contact: Marilyn Allysum  612-825-6824  or 808-879-5776
or:   Email


Maui Retreat Page

Pre-Register for one of our Maui QIGONG WEEKEND Retreats: Individualized instruction with a caring approach to understanding and building awareness of universal intrinsic energy.
Methodology and curriculum will focus on a rarely taught system of Qigong practices that give deep replenishing results.
Learn a specialized series of gentle Qigong exercises to enjoy Optimal Health!